Cooking is a necessary pleasure.
The love of two arts brought me to this world. Wherefore it was logical and obvious to express myself through art. What is art? Art for me is nature, life, a beautiful painting, a melody. Cooking is also an art, just as nature harmoniously transforms the soil into a tree. We cooks transform all its good things into something harmoniously delicious, but which satisfies a need.
A dish which is cut off from profit is as a painter or a poet expresses himself through his masterpiece, the last thing he would think of would be the money earned. I also believe that in a world through harmony, love and hard work the masterpiece will become more beautiful because it wants the effort to become better, it wants energy to take care of you and those around you, as so does a beautiful garden or in my case, a beautiful food wants energy, our own energy.
Our culture also needs energy. I read somewhere that culture reveals how we treat the weak, like Aeneas after the Trojan War. Instead of choosing the treasure, he chose to carry his father. So, as long as I have the strength I will always choose to help the weak.
I wanted to cook to express myself; I wanted to cook to satisfy man’s insatiable need for food.
All the above, as well as all the first steps of my life, brought me to Aeneas, a place that first helped me with my father and then gave me room to express my art.
What could be more beautiful than to return a little of the love that the elders so generously gave me when I needed them?
Head Chef
Thodoris Fourakis
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